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Want love? Plant love!

If you want love you must plant love in the garden of your mind, or any other seeds of the qualities you want to be and see in your life, and then nourish them so they grow. Thoughts are the seeds of the mind, be they helpful or harmful and as humans we are able to choose which thoughts we nurture on love- or fear-based scale.

Similar to the Feeding the Right Wolf analogy, wherever you put your focus is what grows the most and thoughts are made even more powerful when the feelings are strong. Whether you want love or wealth the principle is the same and you will be able to tell if you’re on track because the contrasting thoughts feel very different. Love feels expansive and fear feels constrictive is the clearest way to describe your attunement to either state.

There are those people who know they want love and those who think they have it but are lying to themselves, which is something often found in co-dependent relationships. The qualities of real love are unmistakable and revolve around kindness and compassion born of inner strength and not neediness.

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