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Dynamic Meditation

The #1 life skill is meditation

Meditation is a life skill that allows you to know the real you and experience life as your authentic self as opposed to the the conditioned self who is taught by authority figures that are biased toward themselves and not you. It is the path to awakening by its nature in expanding heart and mind to peace and prosperity when we align with those higher frequency states.

In this section I explain the mechanics of the magic that happens in becoming aligned with your higher self and if you need more I highly recommend watching the Rewired video series by Joe Dispenza on Gaia, even if you only do the one-week trial, it’ll be all you need. LINK (not an affiliate)

How to empower your life

Life Might’s exclusive JEFTA Relationship Cycle shows at what precise point you can facilitate change for the better in your own life starting right now: the Present Feeling state. Here is an image of where biological change actually happens when are synapses are connected and how ‘practising’ new thought habits create new synaptic links while old ones separate.

Because of the neuroplasticity of the brain, you can in fact rewire your brain synapses and retrain your nervous system to allow a peaceful harmony become the norm and start acting from deliberate intent rather than destructive conditioning.

Through practise you unlearn and relearn at the same time to make incremental and monumental shifts out of lower frequencies whenever a situation triggers an unwarranted fear-based judgment. Within the brain the old synapses dissolve away while the new ones become thicker and stronger, which is why practise is so very important – you’re changing your brain structure.

This is how you incorporate real and lasting change to take control of your life: through controlling your feelings. This is where the real power is and how you attract what you truly desire, because your feelings become aligned with what you like rather than what you don’t like.

Main pages overview

These main pages will give you a grand view of what meditation means that is so much more than sitting on a pillow lotus-style chanting ‘OHM’. Integrating the meditation techniques taught here into your daily routine will make you smarter and happier, emotionally and intellectually. They help you release old fears that prevent you from developing that glorious inner peace and wondrous expanded consciousness where real solutions to your problems are found.

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