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Advantage & Benefits

Mindfulness maintenance lifestyle

Awareness is a personal journey that no one can do for you, nor can you do for anyone else. The best you can do to inspire those you love is to be the example and let them join in when and if they become ready in their own time. 

Once you begin the mindfulness habit you will start the shift into new heights of joy, inspiration and lightness of heart, and although you may or may not begin to see results immediately, give it a chance…it will happen.

The shift can sometimes be akin to turning a steamship on a dime in the ocean where a lot of past focus and energy has created momentum in the wrong direction and other times you will give in to old routines and patterns; it’s all in the learning process. 

Other times it will be like a huge veil is suddenly lifted or your energy does a total 180 direction change onto a new path of expanded consciousness. There will be many AHA moments of epiphanies, revelations, brilliant insights and ingenuity that land in your conscious thoughts like totally new ideas,

The great news is that when you reach your personal milestones you find yourself attracted to more constructive ideas and are also able to discern truth from lies more easily with all of your six senses heightened.

Major amazing health benefits

  • Reduced anxiety
  • Less depression
  • Curbed addictions
  • Management of eating disorders
  • More energy/Less chronic fatigue
  • Minimize PTSD & ADD
  • Help healing traumatic brain injury
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Major stress reduction
  • Less external conflict
  • Chi/Energy flows freely
  • Better dietary habits
  • More enjoyment with exercise
  • Feeling good in your own body
  • More patience
  • More humming/singing

Heightened senses & intuitive clarity

More than the five VAKOG senses of human perception that many consider ‘normalcy’ there is the awareness sense called intuition – so, a more accurate acronym is VAKOGI. Expanding consciousness through routine meditation helps develop this skill on a constant basis to control the emotionally-dependent limbic system. At the same time all of the other five senses of Vision, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory & Gustatory are heightened as well – bonus!

  • Balances masculine & feminine energy (assertiveness & nurturing)
  • More heart-centered living
  • Food tastes better
  • Faster self-reading ability
  • Ability to read others
  • More accurate hunches
  • Sharper instincts
  • Stronger intuition
  • More loving thoughts
  • Access to universal love
  • Clearer ideas
  • More synchronicity
  • Good plans easily fall into place
  • Less or not affected by drama
  • Ability to change feelings on demand
  • Peripheral vision broadened
  • More resilience for empaths
  • Stronger boundaries are developed
  • Help avoid fatal attractions
  • Heaps more confidence

Ever-expanding consciousness

Going beyond the amazing health benefits of a calm nervous system one gets from meditation, the plasticity of the brain allows for the limitless evolution of our grey matter to constantly create new neuro-pathways simply by focusing our attention on a new notion or ideal state for a period of time in practice. 

The contrast between what your life was like before you start meditating and what it becomes when you incorporate serenity and awareness as lifestyle is one full of delightful surprises. It’s not only a coping mechanism, but a gateway to the endless supply of information that shows up as epiphanies and revelations to support you.

You’ll receive your own unique gems of insight that become your own personal stepping stones toward being of open mind and open heart to the point it oozes the power of self-sovereignty and naturally affects everyone you meet in the most positive way. 

Although some consider highly developed clair skills to be spooky or woo-woo, they are in fact a natural ability that have been poo-pooed by skeptics, which is pretty ridiculous to those of us who can share miracle after miracle of how inspirational intervention manifests into our lives. One such event is recorded here as the Sweetheart Bond Story.

Into & beyond The Void

Not everyone desires to use meditative techniques beyond the relaxation and/or higher consciousness aspect, but there is another place of expansion known as The Void. This state is similar to a sensory deprivation chamber experience; totally free from all thoughts and emotions…very freeing. Another term to describe The Void is the Quantum Field of Limitless Possibilities where the love and beauty found there are even more indescribable.

Beyond the void can only be described as the Universe expanding inward, which is a whole other level of being once you’ve cleared your own emotional baggage and stopped taking on anymore of other people’s. This is where your own energy field is extremely resilient and where you can maintain the higher frequencies as the norm in daily life.

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