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Magic & Miracles

A world of wonder

When it comes to divine intelligence, the Universe is limitless in its capacity for phenomenal happenstance. It’s that other information highway where many miss the turn-off.

The Universe in its timeless quality presents opportunities in what we know as the Here-and-Now, which is why rehashing old thoughts from the past won’t work. Everything happens in the moment and even further, everything that could possibly happen in the moment is already happening.

Here I will share some of my own awe-inspiring experiences and some of the nuances of that are often subtle, but sometimes very loud downloads of energy and information. I will also share some amazement stories that will make you wonder just what your own connection to the realm of higher consciousness can do for you through the awareness techniques I use.

My own magic & miracles

I know miracles happen daily even though they’re not always perceivable because some things are too far beyond my awareness, but I live in a state grace and gratitude as my norm. It’s when crises happen that I’m sometimes knocked off balance, but I also know how to recreate my own harmony.

My prominent states are ones in which I can luxuriate, such as gratitude, oneness with the Universe, and being ‘tapped in’ to Source energy that feel very freeing and high-spirited. This highness state can make the affect of other spirits, like wine and beer and distilled liquor to be like water. They are still enjoyable, but it’s a lower high than the Universal life force.

Energy infusions of quickening

Over the years I’ve had many downloads, or activations as some would call them, and Stuart Wilde calls it quickening. For me they were infusions of pure Source energy, pure Light. I did not know that when they first started happening, but they are profound sensations of reverence that stop you in your tracks to just BE in awe with it.

My first one was in 1981 when I was just a new singe parent mom dressing her new baby, I had a download of pure love that was different from motherly or any other love I’d experienced. It seemed to come from nowhere and wasn’t connected to any person or thing. Major awe!

I’ve had a lot of such metaphysical quickening since, but at first I was just in awe of it and no one I asked about it knew anything. It’s been happening mostly in the past few years since I’ve been committed to energy clearing for myself that they’ve become more frequent and intense. Gratitude was one of the big ones, because it felt like the Universe was thanking me for simply being here – real mind-blowers for sure. I even kept a ‘student’ journal of the training I received through my connection with guidance since 2014…and I really have come a long way.

These energy infusions in a word feel like ‘home’. Like it’s where I belong, so naturally there’s that sense of belonging that helps one overcome the loneliness we experience at times. It’s like ‘remembering’. Of course it helped to find a kindred spirit in my beloved to bring other honouring qualities of true love and now I can remember those, too.

Rediscovering my true authentic divine self as just one of over 9 billion people on the planet, and I often think on what a wonderful world it would be if we could all rediscover ourselves.

True love against the odds

Feb 23/20 Wedding photo & 9 Orbs of Love

The most life-changing instance of divine inspiration happened for me August 1st in 2017. To this day I am ever amazed at how I actually did it. In retrospect I knew that if I wanted to bring a man into my life, I would have to make sure I’d cleared all of my own baggage through meditation and trust my guidance from the Universe to help me out on that. For someone who has walked away from too many unhealthy relationships I felt I had enough of the endless baggage issues.

Since I’d gotten to the point where I was learning to love myself more, I was not ‘looking’ for a man. I didn’t even want to date one, even though a friend insisted she set me up in a group setting. In that instance I could readily see the incredibly reptilian attitude towards objectifying women and kindly asked her to never do that again.

My situation at that point was as a semi-retired home-based business owner, non-dating loner and video gamer. My beloved was himself a recluse and not connected to the WWW in any way, shape or form.

Needless to say, the Universe had its work cut out for it in my mind when it came to the two of us. Until…that night!

That night was one of divine inspiration where I received a very strong urging from guidance to call my high school sweetheart for no other reason than to ‘Make sure he was okay.’ What was so confusing for me is that he was 400 miles away and I hadn’t seen him in 43 years. I didn’t know if he was married or even alive, or how kooky this all sounded, but the message kept repeating loudly, so I followed through. I’ve learned it always works out for the best when I act on those kind of love-based inner promptings.

After I searched the White Pages for his number, I left a message on his machine saying, “Hi, Rocky. It’s Diane Babcock. And I don’t know if you remember me but I called to make sure you are okay. So, have a good life. Bye.”

Not two minutes later he called back because he just missed the phone and recognized my name. His situation at that exact moment was so unbelievably dire and he was so thankful that I called that he said I must have read his troubled thoughts. As it was, he had another bout with cancer where it had metastasized to his brain and for a week waiting at the hospital the forest fires kept him from flying to Vancouver for the necessary brain surgery, so he had gone home and totally given up on life.

What happened next was a miracle, because the very next morning the skies were cleared for flying and he was whisked off to the neurosurgeon where he awoke with a renewed appreciation for life and credited me for saving his life.

There’s more, but that’s how it all started. The whole story up until we are reunited in person 18 months later on Feb 23/19 is on my personal website here:

A beautiful new ride

2017 Chevy Trax

Fast forward to Jan 2020 and we were facing possible weekly trips to the cancer clinic in Victoria because the brain metastasis started growing again. For that we needed a very reliable vehicle and both my Chevy Sonoma and Rocky’s poor old Ford Tempo basically had the biscuit. So, off to a reputable car dealer we went with merely an expectation of finding something reliable that would serve our projected needs (that never happened).

In our minds we thought together we could afford something in the $8K range, but in the end we were surprised by the bank financing the vehicle I actually loved and was perfect for us at three times that amount in my name alone…and it had only 17,000km on it.

The Universe knew what we needed, and it delivered when our hearts and minds were very open, which makes this car bought out of love and driven with love♥

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