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Meditation works

Meditation is the #1 transformation tool because it works on every level of being: heart, brain, body, energy and quantum, and for millions of people around the world.

Life Might teaches simple meditation techniques to create the best version of you at any given moment in an ever-evolving world. Navigating the quantum field of endless possibilities requires focus skills that meditation provides. It also helps you to manage the incremental shifts in vibration that are reached at different milestones.

Life coaching is classed in the health and wellness industry and this site provides a dynamic hub of strategic straight forward activities. These are specifically designed to help people overcome life’s challenges and move forward in achieving their goals. Why I teach meditation through an online course rather than provide a 1-1 service is to make it more affordable and more enjoyable for everyone.

YES! There is A LOT of information here that revolves around meditation as a lifestyle, so let me make it easy for you.

  • If you want to relax use a Quik Med: count down from 100, stare into your closed eyelids, gaze into the horizon
  • If you want to gain all the benefits of a meditation lifestyle take the Practical Meditation online course that includes one month free email life coach support.
  • If you are ready to take full responsibility for your own healing, feelings & manifestations learn Ho’oponopono properly that is a component of Practical Mediation online course.
  • If you want to enhance a meditation technique with music with/without Hz tones download the free audios on the Store page.
  • If you want to be inspired by stories, listen to guided meditations or learn creative activities shop at the Store for digital downloads.

As a advocate for self-sovereignty, I am always inspired to share great ideas that I have stumbled across on my own path to personal freedom. The kind of freedom that comes from detachment in relying more than necessary on external factors and people that are not aligned with my own values. The liberated lifestyle that allows you to feel the boundless cosmic love all the way to the stars and beyond. By combining my desire to enlighten with my technical writing skills, I can communicate a myriad of spiritual AKA quantum concepts in a comprehensible way. And, it’s not spooky; it’s just our personal energy in motion.

Categorically speaking

The aspects of life related to personal transformation are found under the following categories.

  • Awareness
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Empowerment
  • Expanded consciousness
  • Happiness
  • Health & wellness
  • Inspiration
  • Love
  • Meditations
  • Mindfulness
  • Mindset
  • Motivation
  • Personal development
  • Quality of life
  • Self-awareness
  • Self-care
  • Self-confidence
  • Self-esteem
  • Self-knowledge
  • Self-love
  • Well-being

What is transformation?

Transformation is about allowing change rather than trying to change, and embodying our goals rater than chasing after them. It’s about denouncing all judgement about ourselves and making incremental shifts in opening our mind to more instinctual guidance of the inner/intuitive kind and opening our heart to more cosmic love of the universal/source kind. It’s about loving a desired life experience into existence using the love that just is, which is always inside of you.

The nutshell version of actualizing our goals is that our internal energy signature vibrates at some degree on the Hertz scale at every moment of the day. It’s this energy that is projected onto the limitless blank screen we can call the void of creation to be reflected back as experience. Therein lies the control that is sought: the control of our own inner world, which is what I teach.

The whole you list

These nine areas of life begin with meditation, which is your relationship with yourself to compile a snapshot of your overall health and approach to life. From there you can work and play in a balanced way to form the foundation in your relationships with others.

While meditation is #1 on the list of taking good care of one’s self on the inner level there are eight other essential aspects in caring for your own life force. Why meditation comes first is because it provides a strong foundation and healthy approach to life in general, plus it helps clarify individual wants and needs for all other areas.

  1. Meditation: relaxation, awareness, auric field health, mental/synaptic/nervous system health
  2. Employment: job, career, vocation, business, profession, occupation
  3. Family: parents, siblings, children, ancestors
  4. Relationships: friend, spouse, significant other, boss, co-worker, client
  5. Nutrition: cell rejuvenation, hydration, hormonal activity, circulation, elimination, energy
  6. Exercise: oxygenation, strength, stamina, muscle tone, sports
  7. Skin Care: cleanliness, oxygenation, moisturization, exfoliation, cosmetics, tonicity
  8. Recreation: spa, leisure, hobbies
  9. Consumerism: purchasing power, shopping, product quality

I just love it

Meditation has helped me immensely overcome my own challenges and get clear messages of inspired insight that I simply call guidance. I can talk about the new ideas I find that are in the wind so to speak all day, because that’s what awareness is: expanded conscious thought. I will also say that I have lived it seems like ten lifetimes in just this one and been through practically every hardship any person can face to some degree.

That being said, I’ve also experienced more miracles than most and received many more downloads of pure love energy in various forms on my journey to finding my own authentic self.

I love that I have more insight into a situation than I used to when I was younger and often find smarter solutions for difficult problems much faster than my old worry wart self.

The whole of well-being

Good ways of taking care of the heart, mind, body and soul are also good ways to care for the planet in all its bounty and beauty, because you become more attuned to nature. There are so many wonderful surprises in awakening to the higher dimensions of being states that are available to us on Earth. Things that you would miss everyday in your busy-ness, such as the more your love yourself in the true sense of the word the more closely connected you feel to nature and the limitlessness of the universe.

The authentic opportunist

Real personal freedom is found in the expansive quality of being open to opportunities rather than forcing situations and/or others to create them or struggling to reach them. You feel drawn or pulled like a magnet to opportunities that are a good fit as opposed to feeling driven or pushed. This happens when you control your feelings to choose peace and happiness, because these are the ideal open states where information can flow into the conscious awareness.

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