The ultimate awareness decree!

“I am god, divine being of light. I create my own life.”

When you develop your awareness you are in fact remembering truths about what it is to be a human. One of those truths is that we are born of divine nature and one with the universe as co-creators who have that same powerful force of creation flowing through us.

And when you can say this particular decree and actually feel the creative life force flow through you as you speak it or think it, you have reached a major milestone on the path of expanded consciousness.

There is nothing arrogant about it; it is a matter of fact, which is how divine wisdom is presented to us. All of us equally!

Meditate in the bathroom

To show that meditation can be done anywhere.

It’s true!

Once you learn Life Might’s simple techniques it’s a matter of practice by finding a private place & taking the time.

What better place and time than the private bathroom break where you already have your few moments of privacy and peace available several times a day.

We’re not meant to suffer

We’re on Earth to expand our universal life force around it!

Our life on Earth spans several planes of frequency which means there is unlimited potential for growth.

Learn how to expand your energy field and consciousness to realize your real dreams that manifest in the higher frequencies and take care of Gaia at the same time.

Don’t toss out your New Year’s Resolution

Super-Charge It!

One reason New Year’s Resolutions often don’t work is that although they start out as a good intention, they can be subtly shifted to the back burner when interest wears off. or other areas of life get busier.

One easy way to give more power to the resolution is to use meditation as a means to stay committed to your choice for change.regardless of the goal.

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