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JEFTA Relationship Cycle

The point of lasting change is NOW

Life Might’s exclusive JEFTA Relationship Cycle shows at what precise point you can facilitate change for the better in your own life starting right now: the Present Feeling state. There is no need to dig down into yourself to find ‘what the root problem is’ simply because you won’t always know. Why? Because it happened in the past and possibly before your lifetime. Such is the nature of hard-wired conditioning and this is how you rewire your brain for a higher quality of life. That’s not to say ‘stuff’ won’t come up, but it will be released in a smart and healthy way when you are able to see it as just energy that you are ready to let go.

Simply put, your relationship with any person, thing, circumstance and version of you is based on one thing: judgment, be it good or bad.

Bias and prejudice are learned through limited childhood perspectives and conditioning along with familial, cultural and societal engineering.

Once a learned judgment is made and a corresponding situation arises it triggers an emotional response in the brain, which then releases hormones that create sensations in the body known as feelings.

Since judgment and emotion have already happened on an internal level we only become aware when the feeling is strong enough in the body to be noticed. Feelings are attached to an associated conscious or subconscious thought that prompts an outward or inward response action. This cycle forms the dynamic of any relationship.

What I help you do is catch the feelings by tuning to the present using meditation as a tool to become aware and then change the feeling into one of inner peace neutrality. From there you are guided to invoke empowering feelings using deliberate intent to regain control of both thoughts and actions – rather than letting them control you.

The 5-Point JEFTA model

  1. Judgment (love or fear-based) is learned through childhood perception or conditioning to form beliefs that are triggered by people, places and things throughout of lifetime
  2. Emotions (healthy or unhealthy) are the brain’s hard-wired synaptic response that releases certain chemicals in the brain to create the emotion we connect to a particular judgment
  3. Feelings (pleasant or unpleasant) chemicals released in the brain in turn affect the nervous system to create physical sensations known as feelings in the body that can be accessed in the present moment
  4. Thoughts (real or imagined) are the mind’s attempt to find a logical connection to the outer world that justifies the current feeling
  5. Actions (constructive or destructive) are the habitual physical or verbal response or reaction to thoughts that form the foundation of our interaction with ourselves and others
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